1:00 p.m. Prayer: Liturgy of the Hours or Franciscan Crown Rosary/
Ritual of the Secular Franciscan Rule Book – pg. 35.
1:20 p.m. Ongoing Formation: Reflection of St. Francis by Talbot.
Please read & be prepared to discuss “Community” and “Simplicity”.
2:00 p.m. J.P.I.C.: Read, Pray, Reflect & be prepared to discuss an article
You have read or an example in your life of Action taken on the of
Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation.
2:15 p.m. Social Time/Check-in.
2:45 p.m. Fraternity Business
1. Status/any updates of the upcoming Profession for Stacie on November 3rd.
A. St. Mary of the Assumption Church, 403 South St., Lake Leelanau, Mi.
B. Carpooling? Bill plans on going/room for three people.
2. Status of ordering/purchasing new Ritual Books – Jennifer.
3. Collection of Women’s Resource Center/Safe House items.
4. Count on who is going to Fall Formation day/Saginaw Retreat center on October 26th.
5. Jim’sProfessed Anniversary of 15 years as of 10/4/2009.
6. Birthdays: Mariann & Kevin, 11/13. (Date of Stacie’s Profession)
7. Next Gathering: November 10,2024. (Day of Bob’s Birthday)
2:55 p.m. Closing Prayer, Pg. 36.