1:00 p.m. Prayer: Liturgy of the Hours/Ritual of the Secular Franciscan Order Book – pg. 35.
1:20 p.m. Ongoing Formation: Reflection of St. Francis by Talbot.
Please read & be prepared to discuss “The Sacraments” and “The Word”.
2:00 p.m. J.P.I.C.: Read, Pray, Reflect & be prepared to discuss an article
you have read or an example in your life of Action taken on the topic of
Justice, Peace & the Integrity of Creation.
2:45 p.m. Fraternity Business
1. Profession date set for Jennifer/Brad w/ Fr. Mike on Sept. 29th at CITW, 10:30 a.m.
2. Status of Planning a Transitus of St. Francis October 3rd.
3. New Ritual Books to order/purchase.
4. Women’s Resource Center/Safe House Collection at next Gathering/& month of October.
5. Discuss the importance to attend/register the Fall Formation Day on October 26th
in Saginaw.
6. Birthdays: Angela, 9/11th & Marcia, 9/19th.
7. Next Gathering, October 13, 2024.
2:55 p.m. Closing Prayer, pg. 36 in Ritual Book.