
A Mission Statement

The mission of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation is to assist us as we reflect on our relationship with God as manifested in the fruits of conversion in our lives. This is done with special regard to the daily choices made in the areas of justice, peace making and respect for all created things and people; as brothers and sisters of penance, bringing life to the Gospel and the Gospel to Life.

Cheboygan Compassionate Ministries
“Food for the Body, Hope for the Soul”

Christmas, 2024

130+ people were in attendance, and 80 gifts were given. Do I have stories to tell you of how appreciative people were in receiving an item they could use to make their life just a little bit better?

Easter, 2024

Thanks to all who donated towards the 55 prizes for the games played prior to the actual Easter dinner. Besides the prizes, we served 134 dinners, gave out bags of school supplies for the appropriate grades, hygiene products, and lots of hugs with smiles and love throughout the day.

Christmas, 2023

On December 22 the Lord’s Kitchen held its annual Christmas event which included playing games, having a sing along, and providing a dinner which was more like a feast. We served just under 200 meals and gave out more than 75 gifts as prizes for the games. We also had a raffle for a quilt, a grand prize drawing of three items and towards the end of the day we passed out hygiene products for people to take home.

This was all possible by your prayers and generous support of donating items for our games and grand prize drawing. On behalf of CCM “thank you”. You helped create a little heaven on earth for so many deserving and beautiful people.

Back to School Giveaway

It was a day in preparing our children for the first day of school by giving out 290 backpacks full of school supplies and 100 more before school began. There were also 300 lunches, 200 bags of popcorn and 182 bottles of water. Students received 45 haircuts by 4 hairstylist.

All of this was done with smiles on the faces of 40 volunteers representing 8 churches, all under an umbrella of entertainment throughout the day.

21 N. Bailey Street
Cheboygan, MI 49721

Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan

WRCNM is a dynamic organization that:
– Provides many specialized services for adults, children and families to improve their lives
– Seeks positive solutions in crisis situations
– Protects and nurtures health and well-being
– Encourages active participation in making important life decisions
– Facilitates personal growth and lifelong learning
– Provides a link to community resources
– Works to change the culture of violence
– Advocates for social justice

WRCNM provides confidential support, advocacy, counseling and the Safe Home to people in Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet and Otsego counties.

For more information please visit

Franciscan Water Well project

In 2016 the Franciscans of Sacred Heart Province in St. Louis began the African Water Wells effort as a Year of Mercy project in areas where Franciscans serve, focusing on one of the Corporal Works of Mercy, to “give drink to the thirsty.”

Donate for Wells in Africa

From Our Rule of Life

Mindful that they are bearers of peace which must be built up unceasingly, they should seek out ways of unity and fraternal harmony through dialogue, trusting in the presence of the divine seed in everyone and in the transforming power of love and pardon. Messengers of perfect joy in every circumstance, they should strive to bring joy and hope to others. (Article 19)

Let them individually and collectively be in the forefront in promoting justice by the testimony of their human lives and their courageous initiatives. Especially in the field of public life, they should make definite choices in harmony with their faith. (Article 15)