1:00 p.m. Prayer: Liturgy of the Hours,
Ritual of the Secular Franciscan Order book – pg. 35,
& Renewal Profession.
1:20 p.m. Ongoing Formation: Refection of St. Francis by Talbot.
Please read & be prepared to discuss “Poverty & Daily Works”.
2:00 p.m. J.P.I.C. Read, Pray, Reflect & be prepared to discuss an article
you have read or an example in your life of Action taken on the topic of
Justice, Peace, & the Integrity of Creation.
2:15 p.m. Social Time/Check-in.
2:45 p.m. Fraternity Business
1. Announcement made of our Fraternity as of 10/23
a. Once bonded to “Sacred heart Province of the OFM” now bonded to the Province
of “Our Lady of Guadalupe of the OFM”.
2. TAU Magazine change for 2024, 1 – Print, 3 – Digital on Website.
3. Discuss CCM Easter Dinner, Collect Items of Donations next Gathering,
Suggested List. (Handout)
4. Next Gathering – March 10, 2024
2:55 p.m. Closing Prayer, pg. 36.