1:00 p.m. Prayer: Liturgy of the Hours &
Ritual of the Secular Franciscan Order book – pg.35
1:20 p.m. Ongoing Formation: Reflection of St. Francis by Talbot.
Please read & be prepared to discuss “The Rule to the Way” to,
including “The Holy Gospel”.
2:00 p.m. J.P.I.C. Read, Pray, Reflect, & be prepared to discuss an article
you have read or an example in your life on a Justice, Peace, & the
Integrity of Creation topic.
1. F.A.N./Franciscan Action Network/Newsletter.
2. Franciscan Justice Leadership Conference, Oct. 13-16, Washington D.C.
2:15 p.m. Social Time/Check-in.
2:45 p.m. Fraternity Business
1. Any Updates on Planning a Transitus of St. Francis/Oct. 3rd.
2. Report of DMRF Annual Chapter, August 4th-6th. – Jim.
3. Discuss Passing Out Fair Share & Charity Envelopes.
4. Fall Regional Formation Day, October 28th.
5. Birthday – Sylvia, 8/18.
6. Next Gathering – September 10, 2023.
2:55 p.m. Closing Prayer, pg. 36.