Our April Gathering was opened in prayer by Jim with 14 people in attendance – 12 in person and 3 people zooming.
We had two excused members, Sylvester and Jack acting as our prayer warriors while we met in fraternity.
Our Ongoing Formation was discussing the last portion of our FUN manual called “A Brief History of the SFO & Rules. One of Inquirers were overheard saying these pages were an important read as he moves forward in discerning. Jim noted, we can finally put the FUN Manual to rest. Only for Sylvia to say there is a new one coming in the near future.
Kevin passed out new books to be used for our next formation period called, “Reflection of St. Francis” to the people who were present. Bill will make sure everyone is mailed a copy, so they can follow along with the people attending the gatherings. Next month we will read for discussion purposes the Preface and all the way to page 8. Please note: The new formation books are free but if anyone would like to reimburse the Council, just give the $10.60 to Marcia.
Under JPIC it was good to hear a lively discussion on a number of different topics which included, how divorce affects children, the transgender issue in schools today to how light pollution”affects the insect population etc. Bill let everyone know what is happening in some local areas with the National Crime Victim Right Week between 4/23 – 29 & Earth Week in May.
As we checked in with one another we found out some of our prayers intentions were answered, while others asked for prayers of healing relationships among family members to a successful surgery for Justin. Much of our social time centered around Kevin, as he and wife move very soon across country to a new job opportunity in Oregon. He plans on attending zoom meeting with us until he finds a new fraternity.
He will be missed with all he has done in leadership for our own fraternity as well as for our region. Jean put it so elegantly for all of us, when she said, “It is time for him to leave because God has other new adventures for him to do even greater things.”
It was reported that Stacie and Jim have registered for the upcoming Region Spring Gathering. We have one birthday before we meet again and that is Barb on 5/17.
Our next gathering will be on May 21 due to Mother’s Day falling on the 2nd week.
Jim closed in prayer.